论文拆解:Understanding the Performance of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication
论文拆解:Understanding the Performance of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication
In order to gain an insight on the details of SpMxV performance, we conduct a suite of experiments on a rich set of matrices for three different commodity hardware platforms.
1. Introduction
一个背景知识:CG and GMRES迭代求解方法需要用到稀疏矩阵向量乘法
- 相比于$M\times M$和$LU$,矩阵乘向量的计算复杂度为$O(n^2)$,但是内存访问的区域却同样是$O(n^2)$,内存访问相对于浮点计算的比率远大于$M\times M$和$LU$
MxM and LU benefit from the so called surface-to-volume effect, since for a problem size of n they perform O(n^3) operations on O(n^2) amount of data. On the contrary, matrix-vector multiplication performs O(n^2) operations on O(n^2) amount of data, which means that the ratio of memory access to floating point operations is significantly higher.
Seen from another point of view, there is little data reuse in the matrix-vector multiplication, i.e. very restricted temporal locality.
When sparsity comes into play, the performance is further degraded.
A general conclusion is that SpMxV can be efficiently optimized by exploiting information regarding the matrix structure and the processor’s architectural characteristics.
In general, previous research focuses on a subset of the reported problems
and proposes optimizations applied to a limited number of sparse matrices. This fact, along with the CPUs used in various previous works, may lead to contradictory conclusions and, perhaps, to confusion regarding the problems and candidate solutions for SpMxV optimization.很少有人研究应用所提出的优化后性能提升的确切原因。
In addition, the exact reason for performance gain after the application
of the proposed optimizations is rarely investigated.
The goal of this paper is to assist in understanding the performance issues of SpMxV on modern microprocessors.
To our knowledge, there are no experimental results concerning the performance behavior of this kernel, or any of its optimized versions, on current microarchitectures.
简要介绍研究方法和成果:对文献中报道的算法问题进行了分类。对于每个问题,在从Tim Davis的收藏中选择的100个矩阵上,进行一系列实验,以量化其对性能的影响。实验结果为SpMxV在现代微处理器上的性能提供了宝贵的见解,并揭示了在优化过程中可能特别有用的问题。
In order to achieve this goal, we have categorized the problems of the algorithm as reported in literature. For each problem we conduct a series of experiments in order to quantify its effect on performance. Our experimental results provide valuable insight on the performance of SpMxV on modern microprocessors and reveal issues that will probably prove particularly useful in the process of optimization. Our experiments are performed on a large suite of 100 matrices selected from Tim Davis’ collection [4]. Based on the conclusions drawn from the conducted experiments, we propose guidelines that can aid the optimization process.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents related work on SpMxV and optimization methods and Section 3 presents the basic algorithm and the reported problems. In Section 4 we present various experimental results that illuminate the performance issues of SpMxV,
while Section 5 summarizes our conclusions and discusses future research work.
2. Related work
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication has attracted intensive scientific attention in the last two decades.
(a) 实验评估中使用的矩阵套件通常很小
(b) 评估平台在大多数情况下包括上一代微架构
(c) 结论有时相互矛盾
(d) 所提出的方法所获得的性能提升没有针对所攻击的特定问题进行彻底分析
Summarizing on the results of previous research on the field, the following conclusions may be drawn: (a) the matrix suites used in the experimental evaluations are usually quite small, (b) the evaluation platforms include in most cases previous generation microarchitectures, (c) the conclusions are sometimes contradictory and (d) the performance gains attained by the proposed methods are not thoroughly analyzed in relevance to the specific problems attacked.
The goal of this work is to understand the performance issues of SpMxV kernel on modern microprocessors and provide solid optimization guidelines. For this reason we employ a wide suite of 100 matrices, perform a large variety of experiments and report performance data and information collected from the performance monitoring facilities provided by the microprocessors.
3. Basic algorithm and problems
According to literature, SpMxV presents the following problems that can potentially affect its performance:
间接内存引用。例如CSR存储格式需要通过col ind和row ptr数据结构存储和访问矩阵元素的索引。这一事实意味着额外的加载操作、内存子系统的流量和缓存干扰。
4. Experimental evaluation
4.1 Experimental preliminaries
#1 是一个密集的 1000×1000 矩阵
#2-45 是在SPARSITY中被使用的矩阵
#46 是一个 10000×10000 随机稀疏矩阵
#87 是一个由SPARSKIT创建的5点模板有限差分矩阵
大部分矩阵是从Tim Davis的集合中选出的,所有矩阵都以CSR格式存储
Intel Core 2 Xeon(时钟速度:2.6GHz,4MB L2 缓存 – Woodcrest)
Intel Pentium 4 Xeon(时钟速度:2.8GHz,1MB L2 缓存 – Netburst)
AMD Opteron(时钟速度:1.8GHz,1MB L2 缓存 – Opteron)
Linux (kernel version 2.6) for the x86 64 ISA
gcc version 4.1 with the -O3 -funroll-loops optimization flags
The experiments were conducted by measuring the execution time of 128 consecutive SpMxV operations with randomly created x vectors for every matrix in the set and for each different microprocessor. The floating point operations per second (FLOPS) metric of each run was calculated by dividing the total number of operations (2×nnz) by the execution time. We used 64-bit integers for the representation of indices in col ind and applied double precision arithmetic. It should be noted that we made no attempt to artificially pollute the cache after each iteration, in order to better simulate iterative scientific application behavior, where the data of the matrices are present in the cache, either because they have just been produced, or because they were recently accessed.
4.2 Experimental evaluation of serial SpMxV
4.2.1 Basic performance of serial SpMx
图2显示了实验集上每个矩阵和架构的SpMxV内核的详细性能结果(以 FLOPS 为单位)
根据图2可以看出,在矩阵集里面不同矩阵上的性能具有很大的差异。为了进一步阐述这一观察结果,我们把矩阵集区分为两个不同的类别:工作集完全适合L2缓存的矩阵,因此只会出现强制未命中;工作集大于L2缓存大小的矩阵,可能会出现容量未命中。工作集 (ws) 的计算公式为:ws = (nnz × 2 + nrows × 2 + ncols) × 8。
4.2.2 Irregular accesses
noxmiss benchmark:将col ind数组清零,以便对x的每个引用都只访问x[0],使得对x的访问模式几乎完美。忽略掉计算数值上的不同对性能造成的影响,只考虑不规则的访问对性能的影响。
对于绝大多数矩阵,对x的访问似乎呈现出一些规律,这些规律要么有利于从缓存中重用数据,要么表现出可被硬件预取机制检测到的模式。然而,在标准基准测试中表现较差的大多数矩阵在 noxmiss 基准测试中遇到了相当显著的加速。
4.2.3 Short row lengths
4.2.4 Indirect memory references
noind-rowptr,noindcolind benchmark:使用了每行具有恒定数量的连续元素的合成矩阵。这些矩阵使我们能够通过用顺序访问来消除两种间接访问
图6可以明显看出,row ptr中的间接内存引用不会影响性能。这是可以预见的,因为这些引用很少,并且取代了内部循环初始化中已经存在的开销。另一方面,通过col ind间接访问x的开销会导致性能急剧下降。在这种情况下,x的每次内存访问都会被一次额外的内存访问所累加,这会增加问题的ws,在代码中添加额外的指令并限制内核的IPC。
4.2.5 Memory intensity (no temporal locality in the matrix)
进行了一组简单的比较实验:我们使用32位而不是64位整数作为col ind结构,以减少工作集的总大小。Woodcrest的加速比为1.20,Netburst的加速比为 1.29,Opteron的加速比为1.17。令人印象深刻的是,ws降低了22.4%,同时性能显著提高了。根据这些结果,我们可以得出结论,在间接内存访问的情况下观察到的改进主要是由于ws的减少。
此外,内核在表示矩阵的数据结构a、col ind和row ptr中没有表现出重用,传统上认为缺乏时间局部性会影响性能。然而,如图1所示,所有上述结构都以非常规则的流式模式和单位步长进行访问。硬件预取器能够检测这些简单的访问模式并透明地从内存中获取其相应的缓存行。因此可以得出一个相当可靠的结论:矩阵中缺乏时间局部性导致缓存未命中的情况非常少,因此性能不会受到这一特定因素的影响。
4.3 Conclusions on the experiments and optimization guidelines
图7是对结果的统计分析,前三个条形图表示密集矩阵(1024 × 1024)以密集格式(dmv)存储和以csr格式存储的标准情况(csrdense)和noind-colind基准(csr-dense-noindcolind)的矩阵向量乘法性能。csr-avg(?)表示矩阵集合中所有工作集大于L2大小的矩阵的平均性能,而其余的条形图则对应于这些矩阵的所有可能子集,这些子集基于它们的规律性(-irregular/-regular)以及它们是否以短行为主(-sr/-nosr)
首先,从csr-dense-nocolind到csr-dense之间接近2倍的性能差异,是col ind的间接引用导致的
- 通过使用尽可能小的数据类型(例如,col ind使用32位或16位整数,x使用单精度存储)来减小ws大小,以减少内存子系统的压力。即使牺牲CPU周期来减小ws大小(例如,通过应用压缩)也会使性能提高。增加ws的存储结构成功的机会很小。
Reduce the ws size by using the smallest possible data types (e.g. 32-bit or 16-bit integers for col ind, single precision storage for x) in order to reduce the pressure on the memory subsystem. Even sacrificing CPU cycles to reduce the ws size (e.g. by applying compression) will also lead to performance improvement (as in [21]). Storage structures that increase the ws have small opportunities to succeed.
- 减少间接内存引用。这可以通过利用矩阵中的常规结构来实现,例如全对角线或密集子块。
Reduce indirect memory referencing. This could be achieved by exploiting regular structures within the matrix such as full diagonals (as in [1]) or dense sub-blocks (e.g. BCSR format as in [3, 8, 19]).
- 谨慎填充。添加许多非零元素来实现优化方法可能会极大地影响性能,主要是由于ws的增加。额外的浮点运算不会造成这么大的问题,因为CPU有空闲周期。
Pad sparingly. Adding many non-zero elements to accomplish an optimization approach may dramatically affect performance, mainly due to the increase in the ws. The extra floating-point operations should not create such a big problem, since the CPU has idle cycles to spare. Thus, the BCSR format used in [3, 8, 19] is expected to be beneficial only in the subset of matrices that contain many dense subblocks.
- 注意行长较短和循环开销。一些优化方法将矩阵拆分为子矩阵的总和。在这种情况下,应注意子矩阵不要属于行长较短的矩阵类别。如果在乘法内核中插入额外的外循环,也可能产生大量开销,尤其是在行短的矩阵中。
Beware of short row lengths and loop overheads. Some optimization approaches split the matrix into a sum of submatrices (as in [1,19]). In this case one should take care that the submatrices do not fall into the category of matrices with short row lengths. Alternatively, one may insert an additional outer loop in the multiplication kernel (as in [13]). This may also incur significant overheads especially in matrices with short rows.
- 识别x向量上存在访问问题的矩阵,仅对它们应用缓存重用优化。
Identify matrices with problematic access on the x vector and apply cache reuse optimizations only to them.
- 只要CPU支持硬件预取,就无需应用软件预取来解决缺乏时间局部性的问题。
There is no need to apply software prefetching to attack the problem of the lack of temporal locality as long as the CPU supports hardware prefetching.
5. Conclusions – Future work
In this paper we presented extensive experimental results regarding the performance issues of sparse matrixvector multiplication on modern microprocessor architectures. Our results illuminate and quantify the effect of the reported problems on the kernel’s performance and can aid in forming a guideline to optimize the code.
For future work, we will apply the knowledge gained from this paper in order to optimize the kernel using a short vectorization approach, which we believe that will provide performance benefits from the reduction of the working set, the indirect referencing and from the utilization of vector memory loads and floating-point operations.